WGA Mail Order Seed Scheme
30% Discount on professional quality seeds
Paper Order Forms
Please collect your catalogue and order form from the shop and complete the simple order form and return to the shop in February (order will be placed at the end of February) for delivery early March.
Delivery of orders direct to the members home addresses is covered by the £1.85 P&P.
On-Line Ordering (Preffered)
Follow this link: https://www.kingsseeds.com/Secure/Register?ur=wantage and complete the account set up form (no promo code etc. is required).
You will then need to log on to access their web catalogue. Add all the products you want to purchase and pay on line. Again, delivery to your home address is covered by £1.85 P&P.
The 30% discount offered to Society members will be deducted automatically at checkout.
You are still welcome to collect a paper catalogue if you prefer to browse before buying, these will be available from the shop when it’s open.
Kings offer 30% discount and individual P&P for £1.85 per order to WGA members on all items with the following exceptions:
Garlic – no discount over catalogue prices but P&P included if ordered with seeds or £1.85 if ordered alone.
Soft Fruit & Fruit trees – No discount over catalogue prices and an additional £3.50 P&P per order.
Potatoes – No discount over catalogue prices and an additional £3.50 P&P per order.
Sundries (including books), – No discount over catalogue prices and an additional £3.50 P&P per order