Your friendly local Gardening supplies cooperative

WGA News and Updates

Shop  opens 10-12 Saturday Mornings
We are now closed until Feb 2025 – Thanks to all our members for your  support this year. We held out AGM in November, the minutes of this are below. 

Wantage Gardeners’ Association AGM – 7th November 2024 – MINUTES

Brian declared the meeting open at 20.00

Attended: 18 current members including the committee.

Minutes from the AGM 2023 was circulated to members with the Agenda prior to the AGM.  No matters arising.

Chairman’s Report 

Brian mentioned the difficult weather conditions that we have had this year and the impact it has had on gardeners. It was cold and wet into May and we had record breaking rainfall in September and early October.

This did not deter our members from coming to the shop and the Association has had another successful year, with the shop busier than most years, membership levels up, keen volunteers and sales exceeding those of previous years.

Sales are now almost all paid for by credit card. The system currently in place works well.

Sales of compost remain the major part of our sales, with the Melcourt varieties being the most popular. We also sold Rocketgrow compost and growbags. Feedback from members seems somewhat variable for the Rocketgrow growbags. Some members have reported that their produce has grown extremely well whereas others have stated that growth has been very limited. The reason for this variability is unknown at present.

Deliveries to the shop

The main delivery of compost to the shop for this year, occurred after the shop had closed last year. Six pallets of Melcourt compost were collected on our behalf by Hiab lorry and delivered to the shop albeit via Springfield Road. The plan is to do the same for the coming year as it is one of the most cost-effective ways of purchasing the Melcourt composts.

As collecting from the Melcourt production site near Tetbury appears the most cost effective way of acquiring Melcourt compost, Mark and Brian collected a pallet’s worth of compost from the site and would like to thank Mike H, one of our members, for lending them his trailer.

The deliveries from Rocketgrow, for compost and growbags have been made by Palletline. In all cases bar one the drivers have been very helpful in getting the pallets as close to the shop entrance as possible.

Improvement to the shop

The ramp immediately inside the entrance doors was replaced prior to opening this year. The old ramp was a bit too steep and has been replaced with one that has a much reduced gradient. It is now safer to use and easier to move wheelbarrows in and out of the shop.

Plant sales and Grove Summer show

Two plant sales were organised at the shop in aid of the two charities charities we support, the Thames Valley Air Ambulance and Vale Community Impact. The sales proved successful in raising funds for the charities. Brian thanked the members who helped on those days.

We did not have a stall at either the Grove plant sale or the Grove Summer show this year. Very few plants were ready for the Spring plant sale due primarily to the weather. Brain attended Grove Summer show to look around and support the event. The number of exhibits was a little greater than last year but had not returned to levels seen prior to Covid.

Coach trip to RHS Wisley

As in previous years, a coach trip to RHS Wisley was organised, making use of our affiliation to the RHS. Our thanks to Alan M for organising another successful visit.


There have been two talks given by members to the Association during this past year.

The first by Alan M covering no-dig gardening.

The second by Colin covering the setting up and looking after composting processes.

Brian expressed thanks to both members for the effort and time they contributed to giving us interesting and informative presentations.

Finally, on behalf of Wantage Gardeners, Brian thanked all the members who gave up their time to help the Association:

The committee who put in a great deal of their own time to keep the Association operating;

The rota of helpers at the shop, a valuable contribution especially when the shop is busy; The members who helped with unloading of deliveries and move stock.

Secretary’s report

Liz did not have much to add to what has already been said.  But she wanted to thank the members for using the Association and contributing to its success.  She also commented on the cheerful, friendly atmosphere that seems to be appreciated by the members.

Treasurer’s report 

The Statement of Accounts was circulated to members with the Agenda before the AGM.  Colin clarified certain aspects of the expenses:

there is £10 000 in savings.  Any interest earned on them goes straight back into the account.

The Scouts gave us a small rebate for the work carried out by Brian and Mark.

The charitable donations have been split equally between TVAA and Vale Community Impact. They were rounded up to £415 each.  

Colin asked for suggestions on how to spend our surplus.  Ideas included freezing the cost of goods such as compost, buying a laptop and printer (Marks uses his own at the moment), buying a ladder and paying for speaker events.

we use a small amount of money to advertise locally and the subject of social media was brought up.  We have a Facebook page but need someone to run it.  WhatsApp groups are likely to breach GDPR guidelines.

Rota Secretary 

from the records of subscription there are 331 members – up from 273 I 2023.

Terry has 24 regular volunteers but is happy to accept more offers. 

Terry thanked the volunteers who helped unload the truck deliveries that seemed to arrive via the Springfield Road direction.

Terry used to spread the word.


most of what Mark needed to discuss has already been covered.  He reiterated the need possibly to use social media to spread the word. He sends publicity to the villages and smaller gardening clubs in the Spring and asked the members if they knew of any that we might not be aware of.


The Wisley trip on 15th July went very well.  Barnes coaches are very accommodating 61 seats were booked and on the day, there were 53 seats taken, The WGA is an affiliate Member of the RHS which account for cheaper tickets. The staggered pick-up points proved popular. Feedback was very positive and Alan was thanked for organising it.

Last year’s trip to see snowdrops at Welford was very disappointing as the snowdrops were over by the time it took place.  The poor weather probably contributed to it.  There is a trip booked for 7th February 2025 but numbers are low.

Alan has said he is happy to organise a Wisley trip for 2025, at a different time of the year so that members can appreciate the colours of the other seasons.

Garden Organic offer visits to Ryton but they are not suitable for groups.

Highgrove was mentioned, but it is very expensive and numbers are limited.

A number of members offered suggestions to a variety of arboretums, Colin mentioned a visit to the green waste processing plants.  They offer visits. Another suggestion was to team up with another Gardening Club to build up numbers for a another visit.

Election of officers

All members of the Committee were prepared to remain in their current posts.

their re-election was proposed by Alan M and seconded by Mike W and other members.


Alan mentioned Green Week on 7th – 15th June.  The Town Council is offering grants of £250 and WGA will take part, probably on 7th and man a stall.

Alan also mentioned an article he read in the National Allotment Association magazine which led to a discussion on the shelf life of compost.  Silvagro compost now comes with a date of manufacture.  This then led to a discussion about the Rocket Growbags.  Members all had varying results from using them.

Cardboard – Colin mentioned rolls of cardboard that can be purchased for a mulch. 

However, the bike shop in Wantage is happy to provide cardboard from their deliveries so it was agreed that members would probably not buy it.

Potatoes – due to popular demand Mark announce that some potatoes will be sold in smaller quantities to allow for members who don’t have the room to grow large quantities of potatoes.

Faith asked if we were intending to offer repeat talks for members who missed the original date.

Attending members gave a vote of thanks to the Committee for the work they do.

The meeting closed at 20.30

Date of AGM meeting – Thursday 13th November 2025 8.00 at the King Alfred’s Head.

 Newsletter – September 24


Welford Park Snowdrops Visit – Friday 7th February 2025

We offered a repeat visit to Welford park in the last email – Thank you for your replies, we still have a few places available at £11 per person which includes a hot drink in their café.

If Bake Off has inspired you and you are interested, please let us know by the end of next week (1st November) and we will confirm with the organiser. Please email .

Garlic Bulbs

We had quite a few enquiries about garlic bulbs at the end of last year and so have decided to try offering these.

We have bought a small quantity of 2 varieties – Solent Wight and Provence Wight, please take a look at Kings Seeds Direct (follow the links) if you would like more details. These are large bulb softneck varieties (better for storing) and have done well locally on allotments with improved clay soil.

They should ideally be planted in late Autumn so we will open the shop on Saturday 23rd November or we can bring orders along to the AGM  if there is interest.

Please reserve them from the web page shop or by email to this address.

If you are new to growing garlic this YouTube video is very helpful and quite short.



Newsletter – August 24

We have had a bit of a gap in newsletters but this one has a lot in it so may make up!

 Apsley Farms Mulch / Compost

We have had several members asking about the supply of larger quantities of compost, we also have several members who have bought for Apsley Farms who offer a relatively attractive price as they are based around 30 miles around and have their own delivery vehicles.

We had discussed bulk orders with them where they offered us a price of £55 per bag when we filled a truck with 16 bags for delivery to Wantage.

We were about to offer this to members, but we now see that they are offering the same price for 2 or more bags as a Summer offer. This is a much simpler solution for us as you can order for the same price and have it delivered at your convenince.

So, of you are interested, go to and use the discount code they give there.

We have a sample in the shop if you would like to take a look.

If they hold this price and then offer us a better price for bulk ordering, we will look at putting together an Association order if there is enough interest later this year or next.

 Potato and Onion Pre-orders (Already!)

As you might expect, prices have gone up again and by quite a margin this year. We are able to offer the same deal as we did last year however where we will hold this years’ prices for preorders (placed before October) and then add a 50p increase for sales from the shop from February.

Some of the varieties have been withdrawn but the favourites are still on the list. Pricing will be as below.

Please place your pre-orders via the shop as usual and pay on collection in February. They will be added to the shop shortly.

Prices are all for 2Kg  bags.

Next year we will look at how we can sell smaller quantities than the full 2Kg bags as many members only want a few tubers – watch this space.

We also have some very nice, large hessian sacks in the shop to let you store this years’ crop in ideal conditions – only £2 each with limited stocks.

Strulch – Back in Stock

The Strulch we trialled this year has been very popular, particularly the very attractive price we have been able to offer the larger bags at. We had sold out but have now had another pallet delivered and the price is the same at £10.50p for a 13.5Kg bag.

Composts Left in Stock

We have sold out of Melcourt Multipurpose and have not restocked as we still have a good stock of RocketGro which is comparable.

We have restocked with Meclourt with JI as this is the more popular product at this time of year (for use with pots etc.).

We also have lots of RocketGro vegetable planters (£7 / 60l) which is our cheapest compost and can be used as a mulch / improver as well as a growbag.

Plant sales

Thanks to everyone who donated / helped with and bought plants at the sales – we raised well over £500 for the charities and hopefully have filled a few borders.

Newsletter – April 2024

Following the success of our recent no-dig presentation we thought we would try another event with the perennial how to produce your own compost.

Colin will give the talk on Thursday 25th April at 7:30, upstairs in the King Alfreds Head (off the town square).

Our attempts to set up a Teams call to allow you to dial in didn’t work very well last time but will try again – please use the link in our newsletter to join us on-line.

New Products

We now have large pots for growing potatoes (amongst many other things) in stock – we have large (30L) and very large!(43l). See the web page for details.

We also still have a couple of dozen bags of seed potatoes left, please come along and give them a home as planting time rapidly approaches.

We have also been given a few kilos of Cherie very early potatoes for distribution to our members. These are a much sought after French variety that have become difficult to obtain. If you know them, you will be very keen to plant a few for an early crop. As there are only a few kilos available we will sell them for charity donations at £1 for 5 tubers, first come first served (they will be in the shop on 20th April). More details here.

Newsletter – February 2024

Potatoes and Onions – Onions and shallots have arrived but we are still waiting on the potatoes. We will email everyone who has preordered when they do arrive.

We had very good take up through preordering and the list of what we are selling this year and amounts left is below.

You are still welcome to order online and pay when you collect if you want to secure a particular variety.

New Product Lines

Hessian potato bags – every year a number of members ask us for large hessian potato sacks, so we have sourced some this year. They
are reasonably thick and 50 x 80cm – £2 each. They should hold around 25Kg of potatoes or can be used for growing in.

Wondermesh Crop Protection

We have stocked Enviromesh for some years and it has proven a popular product. When the roll ran out, we looked at alternatives and have
now purchased a roll Wondermesh. This is a very similar product but has a finer mesh at a similar price. The roll we have is also 2.4m wide rather than the 1.8 of the Enviromesh.

We will sell it for £3 a meter, this may seem a little expensive but it is expected to last around 10 years with normal use and will protect against pretty much everything that is after you precious crops.

RocketGro Products – after the success of the peat free compost products from RocketGro we have re-stocked with their multipurpose
compost and (huge) growbags at the same prices as last year.

Melcourt Composts – as we let you know last year, Melcourt have now reduced their compost bag size to 40l. To maintain price as
far as possible we collected this years’ order and so the price increase to be passed on is much less than the increase Melcourt had advised.

Our range of peat free composts for this year is thus:

We have had lots of comments about using peat free compost and as it becomes mandatory rather than an option there is a lot of information
about how to get the most out of the various products available.

There is also a lot of information on the dedicated RHS web page at

Much of the advice is to think about blending the right materials to get what you want, several members are taking this approach with the Melcourt and Rocketgro products which give a good compromise of water retention and open structure.

We will have some samples for you to compare when selecting what best to buy for your needs.

No-Dig Masterclass and Garden Organic Membership

At the AGM we discussed supporting no-dig vegetable growing and Alan offered to pass on the benefit of his experience using this method,
including attending a Charles Dowding course. We will arrange a ‘Masterclass’ at the Kings Head probably on the 21st March with a follow up visit
to see the system in action at Alans allotment.

If you would like to see what its all about and can’t wait until March, you could watch one of the Youtube videos Charles D puts out. The
process is aimed at maximising soil fertility and minimising effort by eliminating digging and other inputs such as additional fertilizers – sounds

It will be free and we will look at offering it on line too for members who can’t easily attend in person. To gauge interest, could you let
us know if you would like to attend by replying to

On a similar theme, we have taken out group membership of Garden Organic. We felt this is a worthwhile organisation to support but by
joining as a group WGA members will also get:

Free entry to their Ryton (near Coventry) model garden site

Discounted entry to a range of partner gardens

Discounts on their wide range of online and practical courses

A monthly gardening email

Resources to help experienced and novice gardeners improve their skills and productivity.

We have only just joined and will send out more details when we have them. If you are interested to take a look at what they are about have
a browse around their web site at

More traditional gardeners don’t need to worry about the Association however – we still have plenty of ‘full-fat’, non-organic products.
We are just trying to cater for all of out members preferences!

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